• Do I have to appear for Arraignment on a Misdemeanor charge?

    Yes, if it is a DUI or DV (Domestic Violence) charge. Otherwise, if you have hired an attorney they can file a waiver of arraignment with the Court and plead not guilty on your behalf. The Court Clerk will then set a Pretrial Hearing date within 30 days. You are required to appear at the Pretrial Hearing.

  • What’s a SOC?

    A “SOC”is a Stipulated Order of Continuance. The case is continued for a set period of time. Anywhere from 3-24 months and subject to certain conditions (i.e. treatment, probation, no crimes, no contact, pay Court fees). If you comply with all the conditions the case is amended to a lesser charge or dismissed outright. It is commonly used in Domestic Violence Assault cases. You may also have to stipulate to the police report. (acknowlege there is enough to convict) and give up your right to trial among others.

  • Where do City of Seattle defendants do their jail time?

    In 2016 if your case is in Seattle Municipal Court you will serve your time in Snohomish County Jail. This applies after sentencing and not pre-trial. You can always ask for an alternate jail at your expense if you have only a few days to serve.

  • How long does it take to get a Department of Licensing (DOL) ruling after Hearing?

    Trypically 2-4 weeks. However, this can vary by Hearing Officer. I have had some recently as short as eight (8) days.

  • Is a warrant required to get a blood test in a DUI case?

    Yes, a warrant is now required to get a blood test in a DUI case. It is becoming much more common for officers to request a warrant for blood when a person refuses a breath test at the police station. A warrant can be obtained from a judge telephonically.

  • Can a “THC” DUI cause problems if you are not a US citizen?

    Yes/Maybe. I have not seen it tested yet because the THC DUI is a fairly new law. However, THC is still a controlled substance according to the Fed’s, so there are no guarantees in this area. I highly recommend seeking immigration counsel whenever you have a THC DUI and non-citizen.

  • What happens if I do not request a Department of Licensing (DOL) Hearing fro my DUI arrest?

    Your Washington State driver’s license or privilege to drive in the State of Washington (if out of State License) will be suspended or revoked 60 days from the date of your arrest for DUI or Physical Control.

  • How many days do I have to apply for a Department of Licensing (DOL) Hearing?

    You have 20 Calender days to apply for a Department of Licensing (DOL) Hearing. Remember it is not business or Court days – but actual calender days from the date of your arrest for DUI or Physcial Control.

  • What is the fee for the Department of Licensing (DOL) Hearing?

    The fee is $375.00 for the Washington State Department of Licensing Hearing.

  • Why was a Court Hearing set in my old Seattle Municipal DUI case?

    Generally, it means you did not complete something (community service hours, alcohol/drug treatment, DUI Victims Panel, work crew, jail) or did something new that you were not supposed to do. (i.e. new conviction, arrest, driving without license & insurance) You may have violated the conditions of your DUI or Reckless/Negligent Driving probation. The sentencing Court would have set conditions of your probation such as the following at Sentencing – Complete an alcohol/drug evaluation & follow recommendation, pay all Court fines/costs, report to probation, not drive a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance, no driving with breath or blood alcohol concentration of .08 or greater, no refusal of alcohol test of breath /blood upon reasonable request of a law enforcement, no new criminal violations of law, no alcohol or drug related infractions, ignition interlock device requirements per Washington DOL.

    The most common DUI probation violations: new criminal law violations, failure to do treatment, failure to do victims panel, failure to report to probation, driving without a valid license & insurance and positive UA’s, among many others. Check the Court’s paperwork (Judgment & Sentence) you received at your final Sentencing Court Hearing in Seattle Municipal Court to see whether you complied with and completed everything.